The one Character who I believe was the greediest in the play was of course lady Macbeth, she served as the motivating drive aside from his ambition. When King Duncan was to reside in their castle, a plan was made to murder him but Macbeth who was still questioning such idea in his head doubted that he should go along with it and also contemplated if he were to fail. It was lady Macbeth who encouraged him to push on because she wanted it more than he did.” I dare do all that may become a man, Who dares do more, is none.” stated Macbeth and replied LADY “What beast was’t then That made you break this enterprise to me? When you durst do it, then you were a man.” (1.7) it shows how Lady Macbeth is calling Macbeth a coward for not wanting to continue with the plane. Following that Lady Macbeth states “I would, while it was smiling in my face, Have plucked the nipple from his boneless gums, And dashed the brains out.” This reflects her sadistic attitude to enforce confidence in Macbeth to ensure that he goes along with the plan. Overall, she constitutes motivation for Macbeth, although fearful persuasion was her tactic, it worked nonetheless.
Monthly Archives: November 2018
The Witches, ACT I
The Witches are probably the main component for MacBeth working as a tragedy. They are the main reason that MacBeth began having a blood thirsty ambition to become king, they instilled a seed into Macbeth and they basically played as a puppeteer in Macbeths life throughout the play. It is shown how their importance is noted since MacBeth returns to them to receive another prophecy. At this point, Macbeth is driven by fear and his rationally is practically gone. He was once know as a barbaric soldier and now is in the palms of the witches. If it weren’t for them then Macbeth would have patiently waited for his turn as king.
Reading oedipus once again has brought me back to high school, sat me down in the back row but instead of reading blindly, a second read informed me with much more. I believe that the play was able to stimulate many feelings not to the character but mainly to the audience due to one element. In that being said the play works the dramatic Irony, it is pretty obvious that Oedipus fulfills the prophecy but it is only obvious to us and not the characters themselves. I believe that stimulates the audience to be attentive to his actions questioning if his choices will lead him to the fate that was given to him or will he be able to break that and act on his free will. Based on the text, “Now if he still uses that same number, I was not the one who killed him. One man cannot be the same as many. But if he speaks clearly of one man on his own, indeed the guilty balance tilts toward me.” This gave us the idea already of the prophecy has started to come about. Not only did it reveal the dramatic irony but it foreshadowed the sequence of events as it hints a bit of regret that Oedipus has.
The Odyssey 17-24
After finishing the Odyssey and understanding the journey that took place and all the obstacles that Odysseus had to face. This hero’s journey made me reflect on Jesus in a way that they were both heroes and went through different obstacles to achieve the point in life in which they are now. In terms of Odysseus reflecting Jesus. Jesus had society go against him and was sought after, he tested in faith and doubted by locals. Odysseus mirror that in a sense where he as well had a group of people that were opposed to him which in his case were the suitors. In both cases they overcame obstacles that deterred them from being they are in their respective cases. A poem like the Odyssey gave me excitement, there is always a character that you root for and when it seems like it may be the end to their journey, they always seem to make it out. I couldn’t help but also feel bit of relief. In one case where Odysseus and his men were captured by the cyclops. It revealed such hero characteristics since he was able to escape after out witting the cyclops in which I admire in movies and books.