The Odyssey 17-24

After finishing the Odyssey and understanding the journey that took place and all the obstacles that Odysseus had to face. This hero’s journey made me reflect on Jesus in a way that they were both heroes and went through different obstacles to achieve the point in life in which they are now. In terms of Odysseus reflecting Jesus. Jesus had society go against him and was sought after, he tested in faith and doubted by locals. Odysseus mirror that in a sense where he as well had a group of people that were opposed to him which in his case were the suitors. In both cases they overcame obstacles that deterred them from being they are in their respective cases. A poem like the Odyssey  gave me excitement, there is always a character that you root for and when it seems like it may be the end to their journey, they always seem to make it out. I couldn’t help but also feel bit of relief. In one case where Odysseus and his men were captured by the cyclops. It revealed such hero characteristics since he was able to escape after out witting the cyclops in which I admire in movies and books.

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